Thursday, October 28, 2010


The entire Communication course has definitely been a worthwhile experience.

The hands-on nature of the course and the fact we could pick and choose which workshops we did made for a very entertaining and fulfilling semesters work.

From the first workshop, (Re)representing Representations, I learnt the value of the relationship between 2D, 3D and 4D as well as how this sequence can be used as a template for analysing any space. The conceptual depth of this workshop was its most fulfilling aspect.

From the second workshop, Storyboarding Interior Architectural Spaces, the main thing I learnt was the difference between design and architecture. So much emphasis was placed on this that I doubt I will even make the mistake again.

And from the third workshop, Architectural Drawing, I especially developed my perspective drawing skills and learnt about an amazing structure that I hadn't previously heard of.

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