Thursday, September 2, 2010

Storyboarding Interior Architectural Spaces: Week 2

This week started with a pin up of what we had produced from last week; the memory task.

This is what I produced: (The MGM Grand, Macau)

The tutors said that the continuity issue as well as the drawing style was much more resolved, but the emphasis was way off. They said that I focused too much on Interior Design rather than Interior Architecture. I didn't quite get this at first, but after a lengthy discussion, it was clear that the architecture faded into the background. For example, I focused far too much on the floor as a motif rather than the spaces within the building.

While the tutors were marking our work, they asked us to explore the campus to find a building we were to storyboard for next week. This was a lot of fun, and it was great to explore some of the buildings that we wouldn't have set foot in otherwise.


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