Thursday, September 23, 2010

Storyboarding Interior Architectural Spaces: Week 4

For the final week, I produced a digitally created poster detailing a journey through my bathhouse design.

This is what I produced:

It seems as if there was a conflict between the tutors. Paola really liked it, and said it was clear and concise, whereas Cyrus liked the poster, but felt the vignettes were too similar to the ones I produced previously. What set my project apart though, was the use of colour, the utilisation of photoshop, and the fact that my scheme was completely explained on the poster.

I was happy to find that my poster made the exhibition.



Thursday, September 16, 2010

Storyboarding Interior Architectural Spaces: Week 3

The structure of this week was similar to the previous week in that there was a pin up of our work.

For the take home task, I focussed on the Chemical Science building. This is what I produced:

The tutors really liked what I produced. They said the journey through the building was very apparent as well as my focus on Architecture rather than Design.

The discussion of students work took up more time than the tutors anticipated, so there wasn't any time to start the storyboard for next week. Even so, the details of the project were discussed. For the final work we are to create a storyboard of our bathhouse design from Studio 2. The option of using photoshop as a layout tool was also introduced.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Storyboarding Interior Architectural Spaces: Week 2

This week started with a pin up of what we had produced from last week; the memory task.

This is what I produced: (The MGM Grand, Macau)

The tutors said that the continuity issue as well as the drawing style was much more resolved, but the emphasis was way off. They said that I focused too much on Interior Design rather than Interior Architecture. I didn't quite get this at first, but after a lengthy discussion, it was clear that the architecture faded into the background. For example, I focused far too much on the floor as a motif rather than the spaces within the building.

While the tutors were marking our work, they asked us to explore the campus to find a building we were to storyboard for next week. This was a lot of fun, and it was great to explore some of the buildings that we wouldn't have set foot in otherwise.